The global markets force us to offer an above-average performance in all of our business fields. To meet this challenge, we encourage our employees, promote them, and recognize their performance.
How can we help our customers to improve the value of their businesses? This question is the center of our activities. Customer orientation at Bluetooth NC ranges from the direct contact with our business partners and prospective customers about a secure, competent, punctual and cost-effective project execution to the development of our internal organization and communication. During everything that we do, the customer remains our focal point.
We would like to do our part to protect and preserve the environment. As a producing company we have a particular responsibility and must not pollute the environment more than necessary.
Suggestions or further ways for us to be able to keep improving our contribution to environmental protection are always welcomed.
Long-term existence can only be achieved through continuous improvement. Looking for ways to improve and acting upon them is an obligation to the entire Bluetooth NC machinery. Every employee, as well as the Bluetooth NC itself has to benefit from this philosophy. We continuously find ways to improve in all areas. No structure, process, product, or resource is good enough not to need any improvement within a world of constant change.
Quality is not just a coincidence to us, but rather the result of clear goals and guidelines at every level of our information, developmental, and production processes.
Machines and production-lines for the manufacture of screwdriver bits (PH, PZ, TORX, SLOTTED and so on)
Machines and production-lines for the manufacture of polygon, hexagon, flat, brake disc.
Plant layout
Spare parts supply
Field installation
Customer service
Machine maintenance
Improvement of production costs
Staff training
Design of turn-key production lines